Martí Mestieri’s Research Page

Contact mestieri dot marti at gmail dot com.

Research Interests Economic Growth, International Trade, and Macroeconomic Aspects of Economic Development.

CV Available upon request

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Working Papers

  1. Aggregation and Closed-Form Results for Nonhomothetic CES Preferences with Clement Bohr and Emre Enes Yavuz.

  2. Heterothetic Cobb-Douglas: Theory and Applications with Clement Bohr and Frédéric Robert-Nicoud.

  3. Wealth Distribution and Human Capital: How Do Borrowing Constraints Shape Schooling Systems?

Submitted Papers or Under Revision

  1. Income-Driven Labor-Market Polarization with Diego Comin and Ana Danieli, online appendix, first version: July 2020, last update: Nov. 2022. Revise and Resubmit, Review of Economic Studies.

  2. Technological Waves and Local Growth with Enrico Berkes and Ruben Gaetani, first version: Dec. 2021, last update: June 2024. Revise and Resubmit, JPE: Macro.

  3. The Stable Transformation Path with Francisco Buera, Joseph Kaboski and Daniel O’Connor, online appendix.

  4. Global Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from 100 years of World Patent Data. Full Online Appendix. File containing Fields of Knowledge Classification of International Patent Codes. This work was cited in Chapter 6 of the 2024 CEA Report.


  1. Financial Crises and the Global Supply Network: Evidence from Multinational Enterprises with Sergi Basco, Giulia Felice and Bruno Merlevede, first version: April 2023. Conditionally accepted, Journal of International Economics.

  2. The Effect of Import Competition across Occupations with Sergi Basco, Maxime Liegey and Gabriel Smagghue, online appendix first version: July 2021, last update: Dec. 2023. Accepted for publication, Journal of International Economics.

  3. Structural Change with Long-run Income and Price Effects with Diego Comin and Danial Lashkari, Econometrica, January 2021, vol. 89(1), p. 311-374. Online appendix. 2018 draft version (lighter theory with different notation). Awarded a Wiley Certificate of Achievement for being among the 2021-2022 top cited and downloaded articles in Econometrica.

    Step-by-step derivations for Nonhomothetic CES

    Sample Code to Estimate Nonhomothetic CES on Synthetic Data

  4. The World Income Distribution: The Effects of International Unbundling of Production, with Sergi Basco, online appendix, supplemental material, replication files. Journal of Economic Growth, May 2019, 24(2), 189-221. Extension Studying Unbundling and Within Country Inequality (SSRN WP).

  5. If Technology Has Arrived Everywhere, Why Has Income Diverged? with Diego Comin, appendix, estimates, replication files, media: AEA’s highlight video, the economist 1, the economist 2, nyt, voxeu, bloomberg, economiclogic. AEJ: Macroeconomics, July 2018, vol. 10, no. 3.

  6. Human Capital Accumulation and Occupational Choice: Implications for Economic Development, with Johanna Schauer and Robert Townsend, online appendix, replication files. Review of Economic Dynamics (special issue on Human Capital and Inequality), May 2017, vol. 25 (2017), pp. 151–186.

  7. Mergers along the Global Supply Chain: Information Technologies and Routine Tasks, with Sergi Basco, media: voxeu. WP version. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, April 2017.

  8. Technology Diffusion: Measurement, Causes and Consequences, with Diego Comin, Handbook of Economic Growth, 2014, vol 2B, Ch. 2, pp. 565–622.

  9. Heterogeneous Trade Costs and Wage Inequality: A Model of Two Globalizations, with Sergi Basco, Journal of International Economics, March 2013, vol. 89(2), pp. 393-406.

Work in Progress

  1. Structural Change in Innovation, with Danial Lashkari and Diego Comin.

  2. What Goods do Countries Trade?, with Danial Lashkari.

  3. Micro Assignment and Macro Elasticities, with Riccardo Bianchi-Vimercati.

Teaching Materials

Step-by-step derivations for Nonhomothetic CES

Guest Lecture on Structural Change and Nonhomothetic CES at U Chicago Ec 376

Sample Code to Estimate Nonhomothetic CES on Synthetic Data